the history of obesity

The History of Obesity

Extreme body fat, frequently referred to as weight problems, occurs when an individual’s calorie intake surpasses their physical needs, resulting in the storage of unused

What to Expect 10 Years After Gastric Sleeve

What to Expect 10 Years After Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery provides numerous advantages, spanning immediate and enduring impacts. Sustaining these outcomes for an extended period, like a decade, might pose difficulties for

best weight loss clinic turkey

Best Weight Loss Clinic Turkey

Turkey has emerged as a premier destination for medical tourism, particularly for those seeking weight loss solutions. The country’s combination of advanced medical facilities, experienced

Nutrition and Dietary Guidelines Following Bariatric Surgery

Nutrition and Diet before Bariatric Surgery

Pre-Bariatric Surgery Diet The pre-bariatric surgery diet is a fundamental step in preparing for a successful surgical outcome and a smoother recovery process for bariatric

gastric sleeve recovery time

Gastric Sleeve Recovery Time

After thorough research, selecting your surgeon, deciding on your weight loss surgery, and setting a date, it’s crucial to consider the next steps: How long

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