Do dental implants stink?

Implants do not stink because implants are devices made of metal. Implant materials do not have a surface to accommodate bacteria in the mouth, but it is as follows when a prosthesis is made on implants, there are gaps between the implant and the prosthesis, there are gaps between the implant and the implant, and blood, saliva, etc. in these gaps.

As a result of the growth of bacteria in the mouth due to its accumulation, and especially if the screws connecting the implant head to the implant, which we call the implant head screw, loosen after a certain time, there may be thought that the implants smell due to the smell coming out of this area after a certain time.

The bacteria accumulate between the parts of the implant doing it. It is highly likely that patients with such a complaint will be able to resolve it without surgery by talking to their dentist.

Because, as we said above, implant teeth that are usually made of titanium are usually metal, there is no question that they smell because they are metal.

Because titanium, which is used for implant treatment, is a tissue-friendly material, it is not expected to make any odor. The cause of the bad smell from the mouth is bacteria, and there are no bacteria in the raw material of the implant.

However, if something does not go well after treatment, these bacteria can hold on to the surface of the implant and prosthesis and multiply and cause odor formation.

Can Implant Dentures Cause Bad Breath?

Implant prostheses usually do not cause bad breath when proper care and hygiene are provided. However, some situations and factors can cause implant prostheses to cause bad breath:

Inadequate Oral Hygiene

The accumulation of plaque and bacteria around implant prostheses is the main cause of bad breath. It is necessary to ensure oral hygiene with regular tooth brushing, flossing and mouthwash.

Peri-implantitis (Implant Inflammation)

If inflammation occurs around the implant, this can cause bad breath. Peri-implantitis can lead to gingivitis and bone loss.

Food Accumulation

Food residues can accumulate around or under implant prostheses, which can cause bad odour. This risk is particularly high with fixed prostheses.

Old or unsuitable dentures
Over time, dentures can lose their fit, leading to food build-up and bacterial growth, which can cause bad breath.

Smoking and Alcohol Use

Smoking and alcohol use can cause dry mouth and bacterial build-up around the implant, which can lead to bad odour.

Dry Mouth
Lack of sufficient saliva production can lead to an increase in bacteria in the mouth. Since saliva is a natural cleanser, its deficiency can increase bad breath.

Gum Diseases
Diseases in the gums around the implant can cause bacterial infections and therefore bad odour.

Preventive Measures

  1. Regular Cleaning
    Doctor’s Advice: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use dental floss to clean around the implant dentures.
  2. Professional Care
    Dentist Advice: Ensure professional cleaning and control with regular visits to the dentist.
  3. Antibacterial Mouthwashes
    Dokor Recommendation: Promote oral hygiene by using mouthwashes with antibacterial properties.
  4. Avoid tobacco and alcohol
    Dokor Advice: Protect your oral health by limiting smoking and alcohol use.
  5. Proper Denture Care
    Dokor Advice: Have your dentures checked regularly to ensure their fit and functionality.

Causes of Bad Breath after Implant


With implant treatment, screws made of metal are inserted into the patient’s mouth. For this reason, patients are in doubt whether this dental treatment will cause bad breath. This doubt is almost impossible.

As with other dental treatments, the problem of bad breath is generally not encountered in implant dental treatment. But in some cases, implants, albeit indirectly, can be associated with bad breath.

If your implant has just been placed, blood clots at the site of the operation may cause the formation of a bad taste and smell. Patients often talk about taste changes due to bacterial plaque that accumulates around the implant seams next to this clot in the early stages of treatment.

The idea that implants make a smell arose as a result of the accumulation of things that can produce bacteria such as blood and in this space as a result of the fact that there is a gap between the implant and the prostheses after the prosthesis is made.

The cause of this odor is not the implant, but the bacterial residues that accumulate between the parts. A patient who is uncomfortable with this condition should do oral and dental care at regular intervals and definitely consult their doctor. 

Another reason that causes a bad smell is bacterial plaque that accumulates on the surface of dental implants that have become visible in the mouth as a result of bone resorption.

These plaques can develop rapidly, just as if they were formed on a real tooth. Not cleaning the teeth regularly will cause the plaque that forms to smell bad over time. If plaque accumulation reaches advanced sizes, it can lead to gingivitis.

Gum disease can even lead to the fact that you lose your teeth over time, so you should brush your teeth at least twice every day, visit your doctor. Another factor that causes implant odor is food residues that are stuck between the teeth.

If food decant remains between your teeth, this will cause bacterial production and a bad smell. After brushing your teeth, you can clean food residues at points that the brush cannot reach with dental floss. In this way, the bad smell that may occur due to food residues is also prevented.

How do I keep my dental implants from smelling?

The smell of dental implants is most often due to a lack of oral hygiene. In addition, the gum harmony of the aging veneers decays and food begins to escape between the tooth and the implant. If there is a problem caused by an implant, it is treated by a dentist.

If there are other reasons besides this, the cause of the problem can be understood by the examinations that will be done. The implant will not make you smell if it is made correctly and in accordance with the techniques.

But causes such as the fact that the alignment of the implant with the gum does not occur, the prosthesis remaining in the mouth cannot provide sufficient alignment, the formation of bacteria due to the accumulation of nutrients around the implant can cause bad breath.


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